Kirstin Girard

Photo by Kayla Lynn Photography

Hey! I’m Kirstin. I grew up in a small town in northern Alberta where everyone knew my name, which meant no “messy hair, don’t care” trips to the grocery store. Ever since I can remember, I’ve loved to draw and paint. I spent a lot of my childhood outdoors but always found time to develop my artistic side. As I got older, it became clear that I wanted a career in a creative field.

I spent four years working my butt off to earn my Bachelor of Design. After graduating from the University of Alberta in 2018, I was eager to start my career (and start paying off my student loans). A week after writing my last exam, I found myself in the HR office at Portage College getting my picture taken for my new staff ID. Since then, I’ve continued to work hard but to help empower students to take the next steps in their education.

Make it simple, but significant.
— Don Draper